Sunset Earrings Swarovski Crystals Beautiful and Handmade

swarovski crystals red orange and yellow, silver wire, | earrings
Sunset Earrings Swarovski Crystals Beautiful and Handmade

These earrings are just like a beautiful sunset.

These earrings have the red, orange and fire colors just like when the sun starts to go down over the horizon.

There is a Swarovski topaz heart charm on the bottom. This adds to the great sunset look. Just above this 10mm Swarovski topaz heart charm, are two 5mm fire opal Swarovski crystals bicones. These are followed by two 6mm light siam Swarovski crystals bicones. On the top, are two 5mm topaz Swarovski crystal bicones.

These earrings are 2 1/2 inches long and very beautiful

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